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Senior Islamic Studies Curriculum



Grades 7 – 12



  1. Faith In Allah
  2. Living Al-Islam
  3. Duties and Adab of a Muslim



  1. 5 Pillars of Al-Islam in detail

1. Tauheed - Oneness

2. Salat - Prayer

3. Zakat - Charity

4. Sawm - Fasting

5. Hajj - Pilgrimage

  1. Articles of Faith
    1. Belief in Allah
    2. Belief in His Angels
    3. Belief in His revealed Books
    4. Belief in His Prophets
    5. Belief in the Day of Judgement
    6. Belief in Life after Death
  2. Basic Principles of Janazah
  3. Books of Allah
    1. Torah – Jewish scripture or book - Came to Musa or Moses
    2. Zabur or Psalms – Scripture that came to Dawud or David
    3. Injil – Christian scripture – Bible – Came to Isa or Jesus
    4. Al-Qur’an – Muslim Holy Book – Came to Prophet Muhammad

•a. Revealed on his heart

•b. First Revelation came on what night?

•c. First verses of Revelation were Iqraa or Read Sura (1st 5 verses/ayat

•d. Revealed over 23 years – 13 years in Mecca, 10 years in Medina

•e. Qur’an has 114 chapters/Suras

  1. Life and History of Prophet Muhammad
    1. Where he was born (place and date)
    2. Parent
    3. Important people in childhood

•a. Halimah

•b. Abdul-Muttalib

•c. Abu Talib

    1. Marriage
    2. Cave HIra – Mt. Jabal an-Noor
    3. Advent of Mission
    4. Who is Jabriel and what did he do?
    5. First converts to Islam

•a. Khadijah

•b. Zaid

•c. Ali

•d. Abu Bakr

    1. Muslims persecuted
    2. Islam Accepted
    3. Prophet died where and when
  2. Khaliphas
  3. Discuss and learn suras: Al-Fatihah, An-Naas, Al-Ikhlaas, Al-Asr, Al-Kawthar, An-Nasr, Al-Falaq
  4. Learn a Hadith
  5. Learn more attributes of Allah
  6. Continue learning Islamic terms
  7. Attend Salat Class if they have not completed the class


What Islam is All About, Yahiya Emerick

Juz’ Amma: 30, IQRA Pub.


The Khaliphas

Books of Allah