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Primary Islamic Studies Curriculum





Our purpose at this level is to help instill in the student Who Allah is and help to develop within them a Muslim Identity.


•1. Who is Allah?

•a. Know Who Allah is.

•b. Drill it into their memory

•c. Learn the Shahada & meaning

•d. Introduce some of Allah’s Attributes (English)

•2. Who is Man?

•a. Why was he created?

•b. What’s his purpose?

•3. Obedience to Allah has good results

•4. Disobedience to Allah has bad results

•5. Duties of a Muslim

•6. Words and actions should be the same

•7. Respect for Elders

•8. Behavior in the Masjid

•9. The Five Pillars of Al-Islam

•10. Allah’s Angels

a. Gabriel

•11. Books of Allah - Briefly

•a. Torah

•b. Psalms

•c. Gospel

•d. Al-Qur’an

•12. Names of Allah’s Prophets

•a. Muhammad

•b. Stories about the Prophets

•13. Wudu

•14. Names and times of the Daily Salat

•15. Islamic Terms

•a. Allahu Akbar

•b. As-Salaamu Alaikum

•c. Wa Alaikum As-Salaam

•d. Al Hamdulillah

•e. Shukran

•f. Afwan

•g. YarhamukAllah

•h. Na’am & Laa

Textbook Resources

Call to Prophethood

A Child’s Introduction to Islam

We are Muslims As-Salaamu Alaikum

Islam for Younger People

Elementary Teachings of Islam Book 8

Stories of Some of the Prophets Volume I & II

(A series of Islamic Books for Beginners)