Islam's Beliefs Universal
Allah is the Creator with no partners. Muslims have 99 Popular Attributes for Allah.
What is Al-Islam?
Al-Islam is the complete way of life that reflects Submission to the Will of G-d. Islam means "submission," derived from the Arabic word meaning "peace."
Who is a Muslim?
A Muslim is anyone who submits to the Will of G-d. Everyone is born "Muslim, and their environment makes them otherwise."
How does one become a conscience Muslim?
To become Muslim is to make public declaration that "there is no god but Allsh (One G-d), and Muhammad is the Messenger of G-d." This is called Shahadatain.
Who Is Muhammad?
Muhammad the Prophet was born in Mecca, the holiest city to Islam in Arabia in the year 570 or in the 6th Century.
How many Muslims are there?
Worldwide there are just over 1 billion Muslims, or one out of every five people on earth is a Muslim. In the United States, there are approximately 8 million Muslims; 2.5 million are recognized as indigenous, with the remainder by way of immigration.
Aren't all Muslims Arabs?
No. Most Muslims live east of Karachi; 30 percent of Muslims live in the Indian subcontinent; 20 percent in Sub-Sahara Africa, 17 percent in Southeast Asia, 18 percent in the Arab world; 10 percent in the states of the former Soviet Union/Russia. There is a significant Muslim population in China, Latin America and Australia. Aren't all Arab Muslim? No.
What is the Ka'bah?
The Ka'bah is the Ancient House in Mecca, Saudia Arabia, toward which all Muslims all over the world turn as their direction for making prayer. It is the House built by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son and Prophet, Isma'il (Ishmael). It is built on the location where G-d told Ibrahim to summon all mankind to visit this place; it is believed to be the original site of a sanctuary established by Adam.
What is the Qur'an?
The Qur'an is the last revealed scripture from G-d and the primary source of the Muslim's Faith.
What are Sunnah and Hadith?
Prophet Muhammad was described by his wife, Aishah, as the Qur'an walking and his life examples and practices constitute the second most important source for Muslims. These life examples are called Sunnah and are compiled in hadith.
What are the Five Pillars of Al-Islam?
Belief in One G-d (Allah), Prayer five times a day to the One G-d, Fasting in the Month of Ramadan, Charity giving called Zakat, and Hajj or the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House, the Kaa-bah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at least once.